The Rajabhat University Act B.E. 2006 defined Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University as a higher education institute for local development with objectives; give education, promote visas and advanced visas, teach academic and academic research, provide community-academic services, develop new technology, arts and culture, recruit teachers and promote their academic standings. The University Council which is the highest organization of the university will have authority and responsibility in setting policy, approving plans, projects, and budget in all aspects of the university’s development. In addition, monitoring and evaluating the university's performance as well as encourage an administrative section to perform its missions and activities efficiently.
With the powers and duties of the University Council, it is necessary to set up the supporting department where supports the university's performance. Thus, the Office of the University Council, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University was established on August 19, 2019 according to the University Council's resolution on the 8th / 2013. Furthermore, the university promulgated the university’ announcement on August 19, 2019 in the topic of “An Establishment of internal departments, Office of the University Council, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University” with an equal to an institution at the agency level, Division of Central Administration, Office of the President under control of the University Council, and had a chain of command directly to the Vice- President who holds a position as the Secretary of the University Council. The objectives are to support and assist the university missions to perform efficiently.